Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Perspective

The first six months of this year have been full of personal and food revelations. In my study of herbalism, the wise woman tradition, naturopathy, and nutritional science I have learned a lot more about our food supply, where it comes from, and where my food comes from. Its enlightening. Its also scary to think about what we would have to do to survive if we were cut off from commercial food supply for six months.... most people don't know how to grow a bean (including me- my bean plants just died this week...) let alone raise a cow- nor do they have the space. I've come to the conclusion to live in the moment, live simply, appreciate my food, and vote with my dollars on the type of foods that should be available to the majority of the world. All the while I've learned a lot more about growing food on my own... My zucchini plants are still hanging in there and the herb gardens are a staple. I'd be interested in seeing how much of what I eat has changed over the past six months. I'm eating even less sea creatures - virtually none. I may just go ahead and post some pictures again to document things. Getting ready for another cruise so I'm in full force with my workouts and nutrition. This may help. Peace, love, and gratitude forever.

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